2025 KVCA Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Keowee Vineyards Community Association will be held on
  • When: Saturday February 1, 2025, at 9:30 AM
  • Where:  Cliffs at Keowee Vineyards Club House, 824 Clubhouse Drive, Sunset, SC
  • Remote Attendance via Conference Call  
It is helpful to the meeting planner to know how many people to expect in person or via conference call.  Please register for the meeting in advance by Clicking RSVP.
Click on the section(s) below to open it to see the information for that topic.

How To Vote via Mail or Online

Per the Covenants for the Keowee Vineyards Community Association, Inc. each member in good standing is entitled to one vote per property.
  • If an owner owns multiple properties, they can submit one vote for each property.
  • If a property has multiple co-owners, the property is still only entitled to one vote for that property.  The co-owners determine who will submit their vote and how it is to be voted.
  • If multiple ballots are submitted for a property, the first one received is counted.
Ballots can be submitted by mail or Click Here to Vote Online via Vineyards Connections.
  • Ballots were sent to the mail address on record for all property owners in early December. The mail package included multiple documents in addition to the ballot.  A stamped, return envelope was included with the ballot.
  • Online voting requires a property owner to log into Vineyards Connections, submitting the voters name and the property address or Lot ID for the property they are entitled to vote for.

Conference Call Connection Details for Remote Attendees

Conference Call connection details:
  1. To join the conference call, dial (415) 323-6178 and
  2. Enter your PIN: 732767, followed by #.

How to Submit a Question for the Annual Meeting

You may submit a question in advance of the meeting or in person at the meeting.  If you are attending the meeting via Conference Call, you can only ask a question by submitting it in advance. 
To submit a question CLICK HERE.