Upcoming Events:
Sunday, November 24
Preaching, Rev. Pam Cole
Thursday, December 19
Carols by Fireside
@ Chapman Pavilion, McKinney Chapel
Tuesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve @ Arabella Farm
Preaching, Rev. Jon Holland
Note: There is no McKinney Chapel Service on Sunday, December 22nd
Our beautiful, historic chapel is host to multi-denominational services on the fourth Sunday of each month. Please come join us!
Offerings to the chapel are applied to the ongoing chapel maintenance or distributed to local food banks and other service organizations. McKinney Chapel is owned and maintained by The McKinney Chapel Committee of Lake Keowee, Inc., a 501(c)3 organization.
For additional information on McKinney Chapel, please visit us at
mckinneychapel.com McKinney Chapel Committee Contacts: Dick Bollman,
McKinney Chapel Committee President
bollmansct@gmail.com |
203-981-8646 Tom Wistar
McKinney Chapel Committee Communications
mcKinneychapel@gmail.com |
224-475-2858 Jan Heppe
McKinney Chapel Facility & Event Scheduling
janheppe@aol.com |
McKinney Chapel Preservation Update
October 2023
Our historic McKinney Chapel, originally founded in 1820, was purchased by the McKinney Chapel Committee in January 2023. This purchase was made possible by a most generous gift by Vineyards members, Kim & Pat Popovits.
The McKinney Chapel Preservation Fund was established in 2020 on the 200th anniversary of the Chapel to fund maintenance and preservation projects. In 2021 and 2022 you trusted our Committee with funds needed to repair and restore the Chapel. This work was delayed until the Committee owned the property. We have now completed the most urgent improvements we promised that ensure the safety and the preservation of our treasured chapel.
These improvements, all made in the last 8 months, include:
- New plumbing throughout
- Replaced the 25 year old HVAC system
- Foam insulated the flooring under the chapel
- Replaced all exterior electrical wiring between the chapel buildings and the pavilion
- Installed all new fixtures, painted, and paneled the bathrooms
- Replaced and painted the stairs to the annex housing the bathrooms
- Restored the pavilion deck floor and replaced the railings
- Refinished the Chapel entrance doors
- Added new plants, transplanted shrubs, trimmed trees & shrubs, edged, weeded and mulched (with the help of many volunteers!)
- Painted the new carpentry in the pavilion and added benches to its perimeter
- Built a new wall separating the pavilion serving and prep area from its seating area
- Sanded and refinished the metal serving area tables
Please stop by some time to enjoy the peaceful serenity and beauty of this little gem in our midst.
As with all old facilities, there will always be more work to be done to maintain and improve the chapel facilities. The list of projects currently being planned include:
- Update 2/24 Done! Painting the chapel and chapel roof
- $4,000 Regrading and adding gravel to the parking areas
- $1,500 Mulch and additional landscape enhancements
- $2,000 Repair the pavilion roof
- $2,500 Replace Chapel ceiling light fixtures
In order to continue our work and care for the chapel, we are dependent on donations from our generous community. If you are able to help support this historic gem, please make a donation to McKinney Chapel Committee and reference the Chapel Preservation Fund on the memo section of your check or in a note accompanying your gift. The mailing address is: P.O. Box 43, Sunset, SC 29685.
We invite you to join us for one our Chapel services on the fourth Sunday of every month.
Thank you,
McKinney Chapel Committee
McKinney Chapel Committee Announces the Purchase of the McKinney Chapel Property
On January 13th, 2023, the McKinney Chapel Committee completed the purchase of the Chapel property and graveyard from the SC Conference of the United Methodist Church. This purchase, made possible by very generous donors, preserves this historical gem in the midst of our community for the future. The Committee plans to make significant restorations and repairs to the Chapel allowing it to continue as a site for divine worship while also offering a new space for community gatherings.